Multnomah University’s TESOL program offers free English classes to language learners in our community. This fall we are teaching our classes remotely rather than on campus. We offer beginner, intermediate, & advanced classes that meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30. Classes start on Sept. 9. Students can register and sign up for placement testing at
Multnomah University’s Community ESOL exists to serve language learners in our community while providing MU TESOL students a supervised teaching experience in authentic English language learning classrooms. Since 2008, we have served over 1,000 students from over 70 different language backgrounds. Through this program, MU TESOL student-teachers deliver excellence in language instruction as they work with a faculty mentor to design customized lessons to meet language needs in our local community. Classes are available for beginner, intermediate, and advanced language learners. All are welcomed to come to learn and practice English together.