Leroy Barber, D.Min.
Adjunct Instructor, Master of Arts in Global Development and Justice lbarber @multnomah.eduChristine DeYoe, D.Min.
Adjunct Instructor, School of Professional Studies christinedeyoe @multnomah.eduHaley Kirkpatrick, M.Div.
Adjunct Instructor, Biblical & Theological Studies haleykirkpatrick @multnomah.eduJoy Mauldin, Psy.D.
Adjunct Instructor, Applied PsychologyMarcel Newsome, M.Ed.
Adjunct Instructor, Master of Arts in Global Development and Justice marcelnewsome @multnomah.eduRhys Michael Pasimio, M.A.C.
Adjunct Instructor, Master of Arts in Counseling rhyspasimio @multnomah.eduJazmin Miller Price, M.Div.
Adjunct Instructor, Practical Theology jmillerprice @brightonhospice.comMichael Pucci, Ph.D.
Adjunct Instructor, Master of Arts in Global Development and Justice mpucci @multnomah.eduWilliam Schneider, M.A.
Adjunct Faculty, School of Professional Studies williamschneider @multnomah.eduLeah Wheeler, Ph.D.
Adjunct Instructor, Master of Arts in Global Development and Justice lwheeler @multnomah.eduStudent Life
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